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Tired of all the bruises you’ve gained from non-stop days of boxing coaching? Boxing coaches go above and beyond for their trainer fighters, putting themselves in the line of fire time and time again to see their juniors reach new heights. At Sting, we believe in crafting superior coaching gear that’s designed to keep both fighters and coaches safe. So we’re calling on all coaches and trainees! It’s time to invest in good-quality boxing body shields and body pads that are built to last.
We know how physically demanding boxing training can be for both fighters and coaches alike. That’s why we’ve designed and developed boxing body shields and kick pads that can withstand the brute force of developing fighters.
Constructed with micro performance leather exteriors housing high-density lightweight foam bodies, our range of body shields and kick pads is designed to absorb even the gnarliest blows, kicks, and strikes. Our boxing body shields and body pads are also designed with air pocket strike areas which assist in dissipating the force of contact blows. Fighters, say goodbye to holding back on training days!
Just like our Sting focus mitts, our boxing body shields and kick pads are also fitted with superior straps and cup designs for easy handling. With quick release buckles and adjustable straps at the shoulders, you can make sure our boxing body shields contour perfectly to your body.
Whether you’re working with serious athletes or gym clients, Sting Sports boxing body protectors and body shields are a must-have in any training space. Our equipment has been specifically designed to help reduce pain and injury for those who love to train hard. So if you’re ready to take your training and fitness journey to the next level, shop our range of boxing body shields and other coaching gear online now!